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MGFC’s President Nathan Douglass has called it (I’m not game to jinx anything!) The weather and nominations and most importantly…

The Easter long weekend on the Gold Coast was one that won’t be forgotten in a hurry for many local…

For those who missed this month’s newsletter (you can sign up here so you don’t miss the next): Australian Marlin…

By all reports, another great tournament was hosted by the Gold Coast GFC with fishing on the two days over…

Tournament report to come but I hear there were 29 blue marlin tagged for the two days fishing. Stay tuned!

Cape Bowling Green Townsville is a regular stopover for the professional marlin fleet moving north towards Cairns to target light tackle…

Sunshine Coast Hot weekend fishing on the Sunny Coast with MGFC and SCGFC club boats enjoying the days on the…

James McGinty, President of the Solitary Islands Game Fishing Club, reports that their fourth Heavy Tackle Challenge fished out of…

Capt. Darren “Biggles” Haydon on Bounty Hunter is the latest to encounter some of the teeny juvenile black marlin off…

Back to Tanga 6 The MBGFC-Shamrock Civil Engineering Sponsored Back to Tanga 6 competition was run out of the clubs…

Tournament Results Official results from both the recent Broken Bay Invitational and Gamex at Exmouth have been released (read at…

Exmouth has wrapped up its biggest couple of weeks of the year with the final day fishing of Gamex. Anglers…

The stats continue to be outstanding. This is what I have so far (billfish tags only) – Day 1, 96…

Catch up report from Sam Owen skipper of Spread ‘Em fishing from the past few weeks – and these great…