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And from Port Douglas of course! I have had several requests for Cairns fishing reports of late with most curious…

Blue Marlin World Cup – Lady Angler Wins! Another July 4th Blue Marlin World Cup has come and gone with…

Last week the Carol Libby team, with Capt. Josh Temple at the wheel, broke the world record for the highest number of blue marlin in a single season. This week they smashed it!

  The fourth of July in Australian dawns as the day we watch the Blue Marlin World Cup unfold as…

Splitting the weekend report into more manageable parts – first reports from the Sunshine Coast and Townsville. Sunshine Coast Sails…

It seems like there was plenty of good fishing again, particularly earlier in the weekend on what was the last…

If you’re considering fishing the Cairns Giant Black Marlin season this year, there are still some great dates available within fleet. Get in now to book your time on the reef!

Disappointing news has come via the GFAA that Saturday’s swordfish satellite tag has popped off.

Hot fishing all over is not what you expect in winter! But its a BIG report today so use the…

It’s been a month of history making swordfish captures and releases in Tasmania.

ust weeks after Leo Miller and his Team Choonachasa tagged the first sword ever tagged and released in Tasmanian waters, Darren Buttigieg followed up to satellite tagged and release a daytime sword on Saturday! (Read on below for Leo’s story on his 4 Tassie swords caught since the end of April.)

It’s been another busy season in the Caribbean for Tradition’s Capt. Tim Richardson, fishing for the 3rd season onboard the AMBUSH, a 61′ Garlington in the Dominican Republic.

February, to April he fished out of Casa De Campo for blue marlin around the locally made FADS. While a little slower than last year, we averaged 2-4 blue marlin a day, and on the good days would see up to 10 blue marlin.

Someone hasn’t let on to the Sunshine Coast billies that its the start of winter with SCGFC boats once again…