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Cairns Black Marlin and Tournament Fishing


Some more good fish released on the reef yesterday. Now we just need a little consistency!

Updated: Report just in from Capt. Haydon Bell on the Release who released another big fish in the Middle Ribbons yesterday.  Haydon says that his solo angler Allan Wright, from Cairns’ Bluewater fought this fish for two tough hours before they were finally able to bring it beside the boat and it was still going very strong! Haydon put this fish way over the mark, but still smaller than the fish the day before. Awesome work for Michael with two big fish in two days down!

Capt. Tim Richardson on Tradition probably had the pick of the days with two fish at Number 10 Ribbon Reef. They released a small fish early in the day, while Capt. Tim Dean’s Calypso also released one nearby. But it was the afternoon bite that finished the day off on a high for Tradition. Tim says they hooked up at 5pm and Lydie, fishing full IGFA rules, had her on full drag for 2hours. The fish never jumped during the fight and was released at 7:30pm at 800lbs, just a bit smaller than needed for the record. Still an amazing effort again from Lydie.  Two from four for the day.

Meanwhile right down the other end of the reef, Capt. Ashley Wallis on Kalira had another good day releasing what another big fish. And Capt. Brad Craft on Castille started a new trip out on the right note with a smaller fish straight after lines in.

Catch up report from Friday: Ross tells me that Billy Fairbairn is back on island working the deck for Fascination III alongside Brutus. Billy managed to tease up a 200lb black off Day Reef Friday for a few pics and a healthy release. Ross says there are plenty of yellowfin around up the top as well and they (as we all are) enjoying the calm conditions!

Quick report from Barbara from Mission Beach: In less than ideal conditions, the postponed Mission Beach Challenge got off to a slow start on Saturday with only two black marlin tagged.  Wombino was first to hook-up just after start fishing but lost the fish after a few minutes. Moonshine‘s angler, Lynda Edwards, tagged a marlin at 10.30am followed by Peter Friel on Jimmy, with the 2nd tag at 1.30pm.  Improved conditions are predicted for Sunday, the final tournament day.

Other tournaments – I’m sure that full results will come in after the events have played out. Ben Bright is reporting (unofficially)from the Weipa Billfish Tournament that 19 teams raised 50 odd fish for 20 tags with the leading boat Tag Team with 5 tags. At the Whitsunday’s, today is Day 3 and the final day of fishing. No real reports through yet. And lastly, on the Sunshine Coast for the Sunny Coast GFC Shootout, I hear that Day 1 (Sat) was a quieter day with only a couple of tags but no lost enthusiasm for Day 2!

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