This post was imported into WordPress from my old Black Marlin Fishing Blog website without any accompanying photos. If you’d like to see the original post, with the accompanying photographs, go to the original Black Marlin Fishing Blog site and navigate to the post using the archive navigation links on the right-hand-side.
Erik has been trying to catch a marlin for a while now and has had a few unsuccessful attempts. So his request for Friday was simple – a marlin please. Imagine his delight when he went home with six!Two Stripeys and four Blacks tagged and released. A great day for a single angler! The first fish, a greedy Stripey pinched the Milkfish off the end of the teaser before swallowing the live bait as well and Erik was on! After that it was steady going and even the weather chimed in to produce a magic day. If only the form would continue for the Interclub……——-Sorry my posts have been tardy – I’ve picked up some type of bug and am battling to stay on top of it. Day 3 of the tournament was today and just in case I don’t have time to post in the morning (5am starts!) a quick update: In tag and release, Lake Macquarie team, 2,500 points ahead at the end of the first weekend, took a beating today with just one fish added to the tally. Meanwhile, Port Stephens/Newcastle found their form to surge ahead – the leading Port team group adding at least six more to their tally today. Di Da Ke had a dream run tagging four Marlin early to surge ahead, perhaps even to the lead in the champion boat stakes……