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Hellraiser 2

43 foot O’Brien Boatworks originally launched as Pakita Sept 1997 and run by Captain Peter B Wright. Over the years the name has changed first to Iona in the mid 2000’s and then most recently to Hellraiser 2.
O’Brien Boatworks 1997 43 Foot

43 foot O’Brien Boatworks originally launched as Pakita in Sept. 1997 and run by Captain Peter B Wright.  Over the years the name has changed first to Iona in the mid 2000’s and then most recently to Hellraiser 2.

Over the years many a well-known skipper has been on the wheel including Captain Laurie Wright, Captain Tim Dean (memorable fish: circa 2004 a 1063lb with Zac Conde and Andy Dow as crew), Captain Corey Hard, Capt. Trent Vischer (memorable fish: circa 2007 1005lbs with Rhys Younan-Wise on deck). Hellraiser 2 is now owned by husband and wife team Steve and Sue Ahlers. Together they ran Hellraiser until Covid interrupted the marlin season in 2020. Rhys Younan-Wise ran Hellraiser 2 in 2022 and will be at the wheel again in 2023.

[Updated: 2023]

Arguably one of the best marlin videos recorded on the reef to date this video was filmed in 2017 by Chris Ehrlich and Justin Branner on board with Steve and Sue Ahlers.


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