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Two big reports & more


Update:Also in town on changeover Capt. Adam Jordan’s Iona II who ended up 17 from 28 including a 950, 900, 900, 850, 500 and a heap of 300 and 400lb-ers!

Capt. Luke Fallon’s KEKOA and Capt. Steve Ahlers Hellraiser were both into port overnight after 7 day trips after a great week which interestingly enough started out with us also fishing side by side and plenty of photos to share from both.

On KEKOA we added three more marlin yesterday (Sunday) before heading into Cairns to bring our total for the 7 days to 26 marlin including 7 fish over 700lbs at 700, 750, 800, 850 x 2, 900 x 2 as well as a few mid rangers and the rest smaller fish.  Although we lost the really big one on Day 4 after two hours for Glen on the rod, it was a great week and plenty more big fish seen than caught and certainly one the boys will remember!

On Hellraiser they returned into Cooktown overnight after an awesome first GBR experience for Phillip Watson and Jason Pipe both from the UK.  Tony tells me they caught 17 in the first 5 days of the trip with 6 over 800lbs. This takes them to 11 over 800lbs for the season so far! While fishing slowed up the last couple days only adding 2 more to the total it is still truly amazing fishing.

David Crocos reports Graham Cuff was designated helmsman and photographer yesterday on board with him going hard on this fish pic at top. David said it’s first jump boatside saw it pretty much graze the bowsprit!

More to come.

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